Welcome to the Py-Engineering documentation. If you're new to these docs, we recommend you to check what Py-Engineering is all about. Watch the introduction movie "How it works" and checkout some examples. If you think anything is missing or unclear, let us know. Ready to start, but no Py-Engineering account yet? Request a demo!
Getting started
No need to install anything. Py-Engineering is a web-application. You only need an account and/or an API key. If you don’t have one, reach out to someone in your company who can provide you one or request a demo by mailing to

Example of a login page on Depending on the platform your account belongs to, this login page might have a different URL and look-and-feel.
How it works
The general concept is that you write a Python function that prints output like you would do on your local machine. By defining input variables in, this function is instantly accessible as web-app or API. By running the tool in the web-app or trough the API, the Python function is executed in our cloud environment. See what this looks like in the introduction video below or check out the Tutorials.
Platform settings
Easily configure platform-wide options for a consistent user experience.
General platform settings
Slug defines the url of the platform. All tools can be found on home page if slug is demo.
The Name of the platform is the name as shown on the home page if no logo is profided.
Created tools can have multiple language support in the Languages selected.

Tool settings
Define the behavior and properties of each tool directly within your Python scripts. Control how your tools are displayed and interacted with by users.
General tool settings
Slug defines the url of the tool. A tool can be found on the platform page if slug is tool-a.
The Name of the platform is the name as shown on the tool page.
If multliple Languages are selected, multilanguage support becomes active. After saving the page, fields such as Name are given multiple input elements for each selected language. In the GUI, a dropdown for the selected language is shown in the upper right menu.

All statements printed by the main Python function are treated as output.
Output tags
To enhance the presentation, specific tags can be used to format the output. These tags begin with an underscore (_
) and apply to the text either on the same line or across multiple lines enclosed within square brackets ([ ]
Tag | HTML Substitution |
_BOLD | <b>{}</b> |
_ITALIC | <i>{}</i> |
_UNDERLINE | <u>{}</u> |
_SUPERSCRIPT | <sup>{}</sup> |
_SUBSCRIPT | <sub>{}</sub> |
_CODE | <code>{}</code> |
_PREFORMATTED | <pre>{}</pre> |
_INFO | <p class="text-info my-1"><span class="fa fa-fw fa-info-circle"></span> {}</p> |
_WARNING | <p class="text-warning my-1"><span class="fa fa-fw fa-exclamation-circle"></span> {}</p> |
_DANGER | <p class="text-danger my-1"><span class="fa fa-fw fa-times-circle"></span> {}</p> |
_SUCCESS | <p class="text-success my-1"><span class="fa fa-fw fa-check-circle"></span> {}</p> |
_HEADER | <h6 class="pt-2">{}</h6> |
_SMALL | <small>{}</small> |
_HR | <hr>{} |
An example:
def main_function(input_dict):
# Single line, starting a tag
print('_HEADER Header')
print('The rest of this line _UNDERLINE will be underlined on a new line.')
for tag in ['INFO', 'WARNING', 'DANGER', 'SUCCESS']:
print(f"_{tag} {tag.title()}")
# Inline with [..]
print('_BOLD[This] is bold and _ITALIC[this] is italic.')
print('The tags _BOLD[_ITALIC[_UNDERLINE[can be combined]]]')
# Multiple lines with [..]
print('Multiple lines')
print('can be formatted')
print('using brackets [ and _]')
print('_SMALL Note that an endbracket within a tag needs to be escaped with a _CODE[ _ ]')
This will result in the following output on the tool page:

Create links and buttons
Just like output tags, the _IMAGE
tags can be used to generate visually appealing links and buttons for files or URLs.
Tag | HTML Substitution |
_IMAGE | <img src="{file_url}" alt="{file_name}" class="img-fluid"><br> |
_DOWNLOAD_LINK | <a href="{}">{}</a> |
_DOWNLOAD_BUTTON | <a href="{}" class="btn btn-outline-secondary btn-sm"><span class="fa-fw fal fa fa-download"></span> {}</a><br> |
An example:
import xlsxwriter
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def main_function(input_dict):
file_name = 'example'
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fruits = ['apple', 'blueberry', 'cherry', 'orange']
counts = [40, 100, 30, 55]
bar_labels = ['red', 'blue', '_red', 'orange']
bar_colors = ['tab:red', 'tab:blue', 'tab:red', 'tab:orange'], counts, label=bar_labels, color=bar_colors)
ax.set_ylabel('fruit supply')
ax.set_title('Fruit supply by kind and color')
ax.legend(title='Fruit color')
workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(file_name)
worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()
worksheet.write('A1', 'Hello world')
print("Show image:")
print(f"Use a link like _DOWNLOAD_LINK[{file_name}.xlsx] to download a file. Or create a button:")
This will provide the following image, link and download button:

Upload data
Upload files like TXT, CSV or XLSX that can be used in one or more tools.

Control access and share your tools with just a few clicks.
Users and authorization
Control who can view, edit, or use tools with fine-grained authorization settings.
Keep track of tool usage and platform activity with real-time logging and statistics.
Integrate the tools as an API into your workflow with minimal effort using clear documentation and real-world examples.